Latest News
‘Take Two’ Alternative 2021 Major League
Herts Swimming League would like to share with you ‘The Alternative Major League 2021’. We are pleased to be able to offer a virtual competition running over 3 months: June, July and August The Team Declaration Form to be returned BEFORE Monday 31st May to our Compliance Officer, Bryan Thompson. We will accept lists extracted straight from any
Spectators entrance fees
Spectators entrance fees to Hertfordshire Swimming League galas are £4 for Adults; Children Go Free Programmes for spectators will not be available at the gala but can be downloaded from the website.
1st round draw announced
Draws for the 1st round of the 2020 League Championships has been made. See Peanut League draw See Major League draw
Could you help manage the League
We are looking for volunteers to help manage the league: We are looking for a volunteer to shadow Maria Hunt who looks after Host Packs and to take on the role in 2020/21. We would like to welcome a youth member to the committee to provide a swimmer’s perspective. If can help us find sponsorship